- Use multiple websites and files in one tab
- Slideshow, feed, custom layouts
- Load items listed in text files or embedded in URL
- Interact by hovering, scrolling, and clicking on active corners
- Sort lists by manually comparing pairs of items
- Single-file portable HTML app
Note control corner buttons
Web pages
Photo album
Screensavers (WebGL, heavy)
Item sorting
Item input
Viewer URL parameters
- title: Window title
- input: Text items and URLs. Newline-separated and URL-encoded
- url: Load list from URL-encoded URL. Supports multiple values,
- noCache: Disable URL caching of input lists
- slideshowShuffle: Shuffle items in slideshow, if true
- slideshowDelay: Delay between slides in slideshow mode
- slideshowPreTransitionDelay: Slide fading delay
- slideshowStart: Start slideshow on load, if true
- viewMode:
, horizontal
, vertical
, or feed
- gallerySize: Number of items in viewer
- contentOnly: Show content of items without header and action buttons, if true
- viewStart: Start viewer mode on load, if true
- nested: Flip menus and buttons horizontally, useful for nested presentation
- style: Additional CSS style for the whole tab
- filterInput: Keep input items containing substring
- filterComment: Keep input items containing comment/tag
- shuffleInput: Shuffle input, if true
- uniqueInput: Remove duplicates from input, if true
- lexicInput: Sort input in lexicographic order, if true
- excludeInput: Remove input items containing substring. Supports multiple values,
- prependToInput: Prepend string to every line of input, supports multiple values
- appendToInput: Append string to every line of input, supports multiple values
Functional tags, append to items after ` symbol
- noscript: Load item without javascript
- flip: Flip item horizontally
- randflip: Flip item horizontally at random
- spectrum: Animate item colors, useful for screensavers
- noslideshow: Skip item from slideshow
- nohide: Disable lazy unloading for item, preserve state
- slideshowdelay: Custom slide duration for item
- container: Override default container for URL,
container=iframe, container=img, container=object
(website and picture appearance depends on container)
- rewrite: Rewrite item using JS eval,
- title: Override item title
- link: Override item link
- cover: Override item cover
- autoplay: Autoplay video or audio on appearance
- topnavigation: Allow item to navigate the top window, disabled by default
- nosandbox: Allow the item to control the whole window, disabled by default
- nocomment: Hide item comment
- style: CSS style item,
style=filter: saturate(0)
- styleflex: CSS style item with details header, useful for custom layouts
Click and scroll on window and tab corners!
- Right bottom corner: Menu button, contains viewer and slideshow actions
- Left bottom corner: Start slideshow button
- Right top corner: Expand item
- Left top corner: Collapse item, exit slideshow
- Mouse wheel on bottom buttons scrolls the view and switches slides
- Double click on item header to expand the item
- Some URLs refuse to be displayed, search for embeddable links
- Verify URLs, they may contain arbitrary code
Source code
Copyright (c) 2024 Nikita Korzhitskii